Route - Indonesia, Aust, New Zealand, and general stuff

 I'm anxious to get this Blog rolling. As we are still at home nearly ready to travel, now is a good time for some background information.

It is easiest to see the route from these maps....Dec. 8 - 10 is Bali Indonesia (on our own), then the B2B  cruises Dec 10 - 27 is Indonesia and Australia  Dec 27 - Jan 10 is Australia And New Zealand.  Sydney  is the halfway point of our trip where we stay on but other passengers may embark or disembark.

From Greenville SC to Bali  is 16,567 km or 10,298 miles.  It will take us about 40 hours in travel, of that about 25 hrs is actual flight time.  Greenville - Dallas - Sydney - Bali.   The longest air segment is 17 hrs and 5 minutes from Dallas to Sydney.

We'll be gone 34 days.  

Everyone wants to know how many suitcases we will take.  Our plan (as it is with all travel) is to pack for 5-7 days and do laundry.  So I  have one 24" case and small carryon and Phil has a large duffel. 

The time zone in Bali is +13 hours compared to EST. And it gets worse, Sydney is +16 hrs cp. EST.  I've heard it takes one day for every hour of time zone difference to adjust to the new time zone.  Lets hope that is just a swag.  So there you have it, my greatest apprehension for the trip is the dramatically different time zones and the long travels.  We are going to Bali two days early to help with adjustment and to ensure we don't miss the ship!  That's all for now.


  1. This looks so fun! Although I too dread loooong transits, at least you'll get to amortize it over the month that you'll be there

  2. Look forward to seeing pics and hearing about all your adventures!


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