4 - Sea Day on the Timor Sea (part of the Indian Ocean)

 One hour time change last night.  And tonight we have a 30 minute time change.  I never knew there were 30 min time changes!

What do you do on a sea day? The ocean is calm at times mirror like, its easy to enjoy the outdoor and indoor spaces.  Although it is much more comfortable inside - too hot and muggy outside.

We did have to meet with the Australian face to face immigration to ensure complete entry paperwork. In Viking fashion it was very organized and took only a few minutes. 

This is what we opted to do:

1) Attend a lecture about the history of Australia. PMR

2) Craft workshop to make sun catchers.  MER

3) Lunch. I tried the teriyaki grilled chicken wings from the Pool Grill. Daniel Tiger would be proud! They were really good.

4) Yoga and Gym.  I had the whole yoga room to myself.  MER

5) Walk 2 miles - outside - really why outside?. PMR

6) Read. PMR and MER.  I finished Shackelton and started Lowcountry Boughs of Holly. Why do I insist on finishing one book before starting another - who knows.  I'm glad to be in the Christmas mysteries finally - thank you Melissa for my early Christmas gift!

7) Sauna and cold plunge.  MER

Left to do - There are three more lectures about Australia (Geology, Evolution Wallace and Darwin, ANZAC spirit).  We can watch these live or recorded. Dinner at speciality restaurant Manfredi's Italian. And a 9pm Musical Variety Show.

Tomorrw we sail into Darwin Australia at 1pm.  We have an Ecotour scheduled for 5:30-7:30.  All the Eco- tours were sold out when we attempted to book.  Yesterday a couple of slots showed as open - we jumped on them. 


  1. Sea days are great for relaxation and rejuvenation! Enjoy Australia

  2. Actually I did 4 miles outside around the ship and was near heat exhaustion by the time I finished.

  3. Sounds like a productive sea day! Excited to read about the ecotour


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