9 - Coral Seas, rescue-copter, cooking, safe channel

 "Greeting from your designated driver." That is how the captain begins his daily noon update. Today he described navigatig through the reefs but we won't be able to see them, the waters are too rough with  winds of 30 - 35 mph (or knots?).  As of noon, we have 206 nautical knots to go before next port (Cairns). It is cooler today, overcast and stormy.  He just made another special announcement.... that passengers will not be allowed on decks over the next hour, nor should they be on their own balcony. A helicopter's rotors create high winds during landing. Oh no, probably a medical evacuation.

Stormy weather at the bow.  The daily am deck wildlife  watch was moved from  the deck to inside.

We spent the early morning in the Explorer Lounge.  This fireplace is one of many around the ship.  Fires are not allowed on ships, not for fireplaces, candles, cooking (they use electric hot plates) etc. It looks like a real fireplace. 

                                    Perfect time for reading and knitting.

We saw several markers in the sea and places that looked like shallow reefs.  I bet the Reef Pilot is working hard today.  These were fairly easy to see when the fog and rains cleared.

Phil went over to Mamsens in search of Early Gray tea.  He came back with tea and kringle. It is always so tempting.

Craft session again today!, we made Christmas bobbles, free form art. Made a new friend, Sue, she and her husband will be on the 2nd leg of the trip to New Zealand too.  Over 200 passengers will stay on for the New Zealand leg.  I'm sure I'll see her again.

Then on to the 11 am cooking class in the Star theater to make wild mushroom risotto and chocolate orange pillows (cookies) by the Head Chef and the Head Pastry Chef.  Luckily it was only visual, no samples were handed out. What no food?  Although I think it was strategically scheduled just before lunch. There are 102 people in their department, 90 'cooks' and 12 cleaners. If you decide to make the cookies - the butter amount is 124 gms.

Speaking of food.  As we entered the World Cafe a new manager greeted - us by name!  We had completed a recent feedback survey.  He said that he read our comments to his department.  We had good and could be better comments.  Anyway Phil likes the reuben sandwich from The Restaurant.  The manager instantly ordered one for Phil to be delivered to the World Cafe.  It was bigger than normal.  Just what we need.

The crew is bringing around wet towels and ice water more than normal.  I wonder if the medical emergency is related to heat exhaustion.  I've see at least two over heated people assisted by staff and heard about one serious case tendered back to the ship in a rush.  The Fire Brigade is suited and ready for helo landing.  Except there isn't a landing pad.  So they will be hovering and lowering a basket to retrieve the ill passenger.  I hope the Fire Brigade is getting ice water, their outfits must be 100 lbs and very warm.   If there is any update, I'll post in tomorrow's post.


  1. I wonder where they take the ill passengers and how and when they return…? I guess you better have extra insurance too.
    Phil’s facial expressions look exceptionally like a kid at Christmas! Oh wait….that kind of fits!

  2. I’m loving hearing about your cruise. Living that cruise life ❤️

  3. Could you seen any wildlife from the inner deck in a rainstorm??


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