8 - Thursday Island (TI) Aust.

 G'Day Mate. Part of the allure of this trip is hearing the Australian version of English! Entertainers, speakers, the craft leader and some PAX are from Australia.

The trip to TI was smooth, the water is teal blue.  The Island itself will be a self exploration tour with only 2 streets, one post office, one supermarket, one hospital (that services multiple islands and northern Australia), 4 churches (small) and 5 pubs.  And it is Sunday so everything will be closed.   There is a 4 km walk around the island - that's what we plan to do.

But first - catching up on last night's activities.  I find it best to work the blog in the afternoon, so here is last night's stuff....

Every trip, Viking holds a 'thank you' cocktail hour for previous cruisers.  Officers participate, and the Viking vocalists along with another musician or two.

Last night's entertainment was virtuoso violinist Roy Theaker.  His choice of music sure was unusual and very good: from Vivaldi's Storm to Queen's We are the Champions, and he threw in some Guns and Roses too.  He is currently Principle Violinist with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. 

Even with the top notch entertainment (starts at 9pm) it is hard for me to stay awake.  But the effort pays off with a good night's sleep everytime.  Morning greeted us with far off storms, lightening, thunder and a faint rainbow.  We have had the oceans to ourselves.  The last ship of any kind was last spotted (by MER/PMR) in Bali.  We did see tiny container ships in Darwin, hardly wirth mentioning. Phil got up early and did our laundry before anyone else jumped in and grabbed any of the 4 washers. We watched the storms while the laundry was processing.  Laundry was done by 8:30 am. 
Around noon, PAX gathered in the upper level of the Explorer Lounge to watch our approach to TI.  The local pilot boarded our ship about an hour before were were set to 'land'.  Actually we are anchoring not landing.  These ships don't anchor anymore, the brains of the computer keep us locked into one position.  No more dropping anchors.  

Tender boats were prepped to ferry PAX to and from the Island.

Thursday Island remined me of the TV series Death in Paradise.  It is in the past, 4-5 decades. Although I did spot a Yoga studio!!

We happened to find the cathedral termite mound in the walk around the island.

the tender ride was a 30 minute one way travel with little breeze.  It was hot (high 80's) and humid.  Our long walk wore me out and others looked just a tired.  Viking passed out water bottles before we left, at the dock and as we returned. They also had chilled wet wash clothes, I took a couple. After  cool showers we felt normal again. 

Sailing away at sunset.

Tomorrow is another sea day.  We've been asked to participate in a discussion of future cruises, answering questions about Antarctica.  That is at 3:30.  Other than that our day is open. We can enjoy it as our laundry is done!


  1. I know your reference to Murder in Paradise! For perspective here it is currently 16 degrees with a “feels-like” temperature of 12 degrees….


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