Getting Ready 12/4/2022

 Phil and I are about to embark on our longest trip yet, about 31 days to Bali, Australia and New Zealand.  As we are both retired now, long vacations once a dream are now here!!!  On Wednesday December 7 we leave.  

I taught my last Woodruff yoga class of 2022 Thursday night - I love my yoga groups.  One more class Monday in Ft. Inn.... 

For now the plan is to GET READY.  We are packed - going as light as reasonable considering that the travel includes two holidays and three countries and should be summer.  The refrigerator is almost empty. Christmas gifts selected and delivered or scheduled to be.  The yard is  ready and cleaned up: leaves raked and moved to back of yard as mulch, shrubs trimmed, fish pond cleaned of leaves and bottom drain unplugged, portable hot tub emptied and in the house.  Now it is time to second guess what we've packed - for mostly summer temps, as the longterm forecast now shows lower than normal temps.  I think I will quit looking at the forecasts. Testing my new blog skills.  Signing off for now.
