6 - Darwin Australia, Bugs to Boats, Art to Cyclones

 "Code alpha, code alpha infinity pool aft"  that is what we heard over the loud speaker.  Not what you want to hear.  It was a medical emergency and that's all we know but we hope everyone is ok.  There are 700 + passengers on this ship (a full ship would be over 900) and most consider 50 year olds to be young, so we are senior + in age, medical issues happen.

We have 4 hours in Darwin today before our 1 pm departure.  Off to the NTMAG (North Territory Museum and Art Gallery) with the included tour group. Its highly ranked  - we thoroughly enjoyed the visit. It has art, science, boat types and making, history of 1974 cyclone, etc...a nice variety.

This is art by natives (no longer called aboriginies).  The 1st one is called 'Virus Man' - memories of Covid.

Here is 'Me thyroid sickness'.

In 1974 Darwin experienced a cyclone (200 mph winds) around midnight on Christmas eve/Christmas.  The holiday celebrations probably caused many to brush off warnings of impending storms.  Massive destruction 49 died, 16 missing.

Cathedral Termite mound.

Skeleton of an olive python

Looks like Noah's Ark.  Its a boat confiscated from illegal shark fin fishing.

Mother of Pearl (the shell), a valuable find. Divers go 50 feet underwater to find these treasures, originally just holding their breath.  Later underwater suits and air sources were developed to allow divers to stay for upto 2 hours underwater.  Here is the Mother of Pearl used to make buttons.  Before 1950 the shell was the prize as very few shells were found with pearls.  Today cultured pearls are grown/farmed.

Here is the most famous resident of the museum, Sweetheart, a large saltwater crocodile that had wrecked havoc terrifying locals.  It was finally caught and preserved for the museum.  Sweetheart was 780 kgs and 16 ' 10 " long.

Now back to the ship.  Biscoff Cake, my favorite desert.  It is as good as it looks.

Here is Rega and I Made our room stewards.  They work from 8:30 in the morning until 10 at night, with a multi hr break mid day.  They keep our room clean and Phil stocked with his diet coke, and me with coffee pods!  I Made has four children back home.

Last night many crew were allowed to leave the ship, after 10 pm.  Working on a cruise ship means long days, 7 days a week.  So time off the ship, even late at night is a treat.  One gent this morning proudly told us that he was out from 10 p - 3 am, and had 2 hours sleep before reporting back to work.  No stores were open in Darwin that late, only a few clubs and eating places.  He said not to worry that after today's shift was over at 6:30 pm he'd catch up on his sleep.  That wouldn't work for me!


  1. Wow, Sweethart's snout looks like an Alligator I didn't realize crocs could look like that too but a 16' anything would be terrifying. That's scary about the code alpha, I hope it wasn't Crocodile related!

  2. I would totally love visiting that museum!

  3. I hope the code alpha passenger is ok! That museum and the artifacts are amazing!


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