Mediterranean - 8 - May 20 2023 Sicily (Messina) Italy

 Sicily is the largest Mediterrean island, just 3 km from the toe of Italy's mainland at the toe of the boot. There are plans to build a bridge from Sicily to mainland Italy - Calabria - at the narrowest point (3km) in the Messina Strait.  The island has 5 million people, of this Messina has 219,000 people.  It is well known for the astronomical clock on the bell tower of the Messina Cathedral, a must see for all visitors to Messina.

Severe weather was forecast for today, extreme rain and high winds, and severe thunderstorms. Temps of 68 degrees. It turned out to be accurate.

Last night Aaron one of two Viking vocalists performed in the Viking Lounge as the ship sailed away from Crotone.

Phil likes to watch the fingering techniques of the guitarists.
My appetizer at World Cafe was dominated with seafood and oh so good, and yes dinner followed but sorry no photo.  We've begun to frequent the sushi bar every night.
When you can't decide which chocolate dessert you want, get them both.

                            Here is the harbor entrance, view from our room,  this morning at 6:15 am as we sailed in.

Today we had the included 3 hr. tour, a nice option for a rainy/windy day, i.e. to have a bus ride tour.  Our bus had 31 people, there were seven buses leaving about the same time, all for the included tour of Messina. The tours were well timed to conclude with the noon performance of the bell tower. The longest optional tour of the day was the Mt. Etna 4x4 expedition.  The weather was worse up there - they had hail in addition to high winds and rain.  The participants voted to end the Etna tour early.  They were back on board an hour early.

Our view from the bus wasn't very good, between the rains and very dirty bus, I'm afraid that the photos are speckled and blurry.

The lakes are used to farm raise mussels, which are available for sale year round.  This is definitely a seafood community fresh seafood is readily available.
This is the shortest crossing of the Messina Strait @3km.  Its impossible to judge distance - it doesn't look like 3 km.   By the end of 2030 there will be a bridge spanning the strait at this point.  Project cost is 6.1 billion euros.
As time permitted during our short stops, the bus driver cleaned the windows.  Everyone wondered why that wasn't done earlier in the day as they waiting for us to climb onto the bus?? At one point our guide wondered where on earth the bus driver was.  She wasn't happy to know that we wasted 15 minutes at the first stop as he cleaned windows.  I on the other hand was glad to have a clean window!

Second stop was for at a cafe for restrooms and snacks (self purchase).  The guide suggested the cannolis and granita (shaved ice drink) as specialities of the region. Everything sure looked good, but we weren't hungry.

When Eric and Mark (our children) were little I made black and white cookies, 1/2 white frosting and 1/2 chocolate frosting.    The shop had a pastry called pignolata, chocolate and lemon covering marble sized soft cake pieces, another regional speciality.  It reminds me of those cookies. 
The rain and winds picked up.  I'm still happy to have a clean window, even if the rains distorted the views.

The winds seemed dangerous at times as this poor tree was blown 45 degrees to the side.

Messina Cathedral square.

Inside the cathedral

The Tamburini pipe organ in the cathedral is the 2nd largest in Italy with 15,700 pipes, scattered around the interior of the building, including behind the altar.  Most pipes are hidden. The biggest pipe is 30 cm in diameter and 20 meters high!
The highlight of the tour occurred at noon, a once a day event when the characters on the clock tower move mechanically.  The lion's tail and head move, then he roars.  Jesus rises from the tomb. The rooster flaps its wings and crows. A cathedral rises from the sand while Ave Maria plays loudly.  Phil and I both recorded videos, but I couldn't get the videos of the noon performance to load onto blogspot, even though the internet connection is much improved cp. last trip.

Phil and I ventured out on our own after lunch, but not much was open, not many people out either.  It was their dinner/siesta time.  Shops would reopen at 4:30pm too late for us.  All on board was 4pm today.  This is the one photo I was happy to take.  It is of the twin spire cathedral that was represented on the clock tower rising from the sand.

Tomorrow is Pompeii.  I really could use a day at sea, touring every day is much more action that I'm used to.
Bye for now, from your blogger. I hope you are enjoying our story.


  1. Turns out Messina is only ~50 km NE of where season 2 of White Lotus was filmed, Taormina! Actually closer to Mt Etna!

  2. We had to cancel this cruise due to a medical emergency, so I'm really enjoying your blog. Hopefully we will be able to reschedule at a later date.

  3. Those black and white cookies were so good! In Germany they call those kinds of cookies “Americans” (Eric)


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