Mediterranean - 1 - May 13 2023 - Venice


Venice - a city of canals, where walking or sailing via canals is the main transport, no vehicles are allowed in the main part of the city.  This is a city for lovers with gondola rides, and outdoor cafes (for true Italian coffees or wine sipping).  Picturesque!

Our latest cruise adventure has begun!!!!!  A Mediterrean cruise (with Viking) starting in Venice, sailing around Italy then a couple of stops in France and Spain.  We've scheduled 2 extra days at the beginning and 2 at the end on our own.  Here is the itinerary-

 The flight over was extra long  with 3 segments:  Greenville > Newark > Toronto > Venice.  The 1st layover was almost 5 hours leaving plenty of time for a leisurely lunch at Shake Shack and a call with Melissa (her BD was May 13.)  Everything seemed to go as planned until Toronto.  We should have had a 2.5 hr layover, but for some unknown reason the flight to Venice was an hour and 10 minutes earlier than our documents showed.  Instead of departing at 8:30pm, it left at 7:20pm almost without yours truly - the Roses.  We were walking up to an empty gate, wondering where were all the people? as the gate agents were paging our names.  We were the last (of 350 passengers) to board.  But we made it!!!!

Once the plane arrived at the Venice airport we took a local express bus (10 Euros each) to get to Venice proper.  The ride took about 20 minutes. Phil stressed over this transfer but it was so easy, and saved a ton of money over other options.  Once off the bus we had a 15 minute walk to the B&B (GKK Exclusive Private Suite) winding through the sometimes narrow walkways over brick or cobblestone.  Phil managed the roller bag, while I navigated using Google maps through Venice's maze.  

We had lunch at a nearby plaza, napped, then wandered around. Here are photos of Rialto Bridge, gondolas, lunch and St Mark's Square.

Today it was sunny, highs of 68.  Tomorrw it'll be raining and cooler, highs around 60.  We'll tour the Doge's Palace and maybe a gondola ride weather permitting. 


  1. Wow, so glad you made the flight - Kate and I loved the Cicchetti when we were there, also find a bakery with Buranelli and let me know what you think!

  2. MissyB says hi! (I need to find my Google password to avoid anonymity 🤷‍♀️). What an amazing kick off to your summer! Must have been a worrisome surprise to see the empty gate! Glad everything after is working out so well.


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