Mediterranean - 4 - May 16 2023 - Surprise Day at Sea

  I start with a photo above  of the best mussels that I've ever had - at last night's dinner green lipped mussels. 

So yes indeed this is a surprise day at sea.  We set sail at 8:30pm last night a full 24 hrs ahead of schedule due to projected high winds and tidal issue. Phil and I started the evening in the Explorer's Lounge listening to resident guitar vocalist Michael.  Excellent music and voice.  

Views of Chioggia port and city, still sunny with lovely weather.

The sun set as we sailed away from the dock at high tide, it was simple and colorful.  Earlier these pillars/posts were more fully exposed along with the remains of a degraded pier.  BTY in the afternoon a small boat was tied to one of these pillars while the owner was walkiing in knee deep water castiing fishing nets.  
This kayaker paddled across the bow of the Viking Star just before the ropes were freed from the dock.  It seemed a little risky on his part.  The kayaker took photos of the Star as we departed.

There were two tug boats roped to the Viking Star one in front and one behind.  They helped the ship make the tight turns away from the dock.

We saw this mystery building at the mouth of the waters to Chioggia.  It is part of the huge effort to control flood waters,  MOSE gates (at Chioggia) to control the periodic dangerously high tides that flood Venice. 

Here are two more photos from last night's dinner.  The seafood was outstanding.  And I've just now noticed the green edges on the green lipped mussel shells.  While in Chioggia, we saw lots, maybe a hundred, small 1-2 person boats with fishing nets and traps, all docked.  I've just read that green lipped mussels come from New Zealand, and here I thought dinner was locally sourced.  I've recently eaten a lot of frozen mussels at home, there was no comparison.  I will not be able to go back to frozen.

Sometime in the middle of the night the ship started to rock.  We woke up to 20 mph winds and rain.  A good day to read, and eat some more.
Here is the full roster of managers....we have traveled with Dijan (Beverage Manager) several times before, all others are new to us. We met Dijan when he was a bar tender, then he was promoted to Beverage Manager.  Then covid arrived with all the challenging supply issues, including alcohol. He has several stories to tell about rushing out to buy vans full of beverages to keep the ship somewhat stocked. It feels like we've been through it all with him. There was a bit of sticker shock at the Explorer Lounge, individual drink prices have risen to almost $10 per drink.  Before covid it was much less, @$6-7 per drink. The Silver Spirits beverage package is now $25/day/per person.  Last cruise it was $20.
Of late we try to travel lite - carryon only with very few and small purchases along the way.  While in Venice, I splurged and bought this pink cross shoulder purse.  It seemed almost essential to keep my cell phone handy for blog photos!
Our hanging clothes fit in one half of the closet!!!. A challenge with the closets here is the sliding door, as only one half of the closet is open at time.  Now we can get to all the hanging clothes at once, no more taking turns.  Can you tell which half is mine?
With the extra sea day the chef organized a special Italian lunch poolside.  Again another excellent meal.

Many people napped through the day, at the pool, in the Living room, and in their own rooms (assuming that's why there were so many "do not disturb" signs were hanging from door knobs.)

We did attend the Resident Historian Lecture on the Venetian Republic.  The lecturer Grant Rhodes read his very detailed talk.  I wish it had been more exciting.  It was a little frustrating, he talked about Venice and many things that tourists could/should see in Venice.  Hey it's too late for us on this cruise, it felt like he was unintentially rubbing a little salt in the wounds of those who did not get to Venice (today).

We secured the 4 restaurant reservations that we are allowed for the 2 (B2B) cruises.  A man/couple in front  had eaten at Manfredi's last night and it was so good he wanted  reservations at Manfredi's for every night.  Viking rep. said it was fully booked, a nice was of telling him he'd already used his limit!! 

If the winds slow down and the deck dries, we may try walking the deck later today.  Tomorrow is Sibenik Croatia, where we will be touriing on our own. 


  1. If Dad plays his cards right, he just might get promoted to Beverage manager of Lacebark CT! Were there any sites in Venice that you will need to schedule a return trip for after hearing the history lecture? Kate was right we stayed at hotel Ca d’Oro when we stayed in Venice… go figure it was near the Palace Ca d’Oro!


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