Mediterranean - 10 - May 22 2023 seeing Rome in only 4 hours

 Phil has always wanted to visit Rome for an extended stay, instead we had just 4 hours.  We are thankful to Viking for making a short visit do-able and very worthwhile because we couldn't figure out how stay longer in Rome. Rome is the center point of our B2B cruise and the ship is in Rome for just 12 hours..  Today we saw Phil's top two (and then some) the Coliseum and the Pantheon.   I fell in love with Italy a little over 50 years ago during a Latin Club trip to Italy, the Trevi Fountain was my favorite stop and Pompeii a very close 2nd.  We saw Pompeii yesterday. Today I get to revisit Trevi Fountain!

 Last night was our special dinner at Chef's Table, where the menu is fixed and each course is paired with a different wine - 4 wines in total.  The theme was Xiang, this same menu is available for 3 nights, then it rotates to a different theme.

The meal started with a tiny cup of hot and sour soup.  Phil said it was the tiniest serving of soup he has ever had.  First course was fried prawns: salty crispy juicy and spicy with garlic and chili flavors. The little slices of roast chili left a burn that last several minutes, something both Phil and I like!  The main course was wok fried beef with black pepper sauce a side of rice was served wrapped  in a lotus leaf. Dessert was chilled mango cream.


Viking organized bus rides from the port at Civitavecchia to Rome, a 1.5 - 2 hour ride.  Taxi one way is advertised at $125 euros, making this 'included' tour a nice cost savings as we originally planned to go it on our own.  Our guide Georgio gave us an introduction to Rome. He described the Viking shuttle bus that will run  to three different stops within the prime tourist district, wait should be 10 minutes or less.  The only caveat is that the bus holds only 8 people, so we might need to wait for a 2nd bus if the 1st is full.  We arrived in Rome and left the big bus at 9:45 am, we had 4 hours and 15 minutes to see as much as we could.  (A man we fondly referred to as Mr. Grumpy spent most of our bus ride complaing that we were leaving Rome so early, as All on Board was 7PM.  He was adamant and wanted to know alternate ways to return to the ship, to maximize his time.  We were extremely glad to get off the bus. And guess what? He showed up at 2:15pm for the return ride to the ship and didn't say a thing!!)

My very happy husband....
The Arch of Constantine erected in the year 315. It is 21 meters high and 26 wide.

We thought with Georgio's map and instructions we'd be fine.  But alas within 20 minutes we got a little lost,  on our way to Vittoriano Monument.  This was not on our list but was highly recommended by the guide. 20 minutes of valuable time lost.  Spoiler alert -  rest of the trip  was fine.
The impressive Vittoriano monument designed by Giuseppe Sacconi and decorated (not sure what this really means but that is what the plaque said) by the Lombard artist Giuseppe Zanelli was built between 1885 - 1925.  There is a tomb for the unknown soldier honoring those fallen in World War I.

The tomb honoring the fallen WW I soldiers.
Trevi Fountain was next, a 15 minute walk.  Yesterday climate related protesters trashed the fountain and turning the water black. Between yesterday and today the water was drained and the fountain cleaned. It sparkled.

I tossed one coin in the fountain, hoping to again return some day.

The viewing area for the fountain was crowded with wall to wall people.

Drinking water fountains are everywhere.  You can refill a water bottle (we did), or drink directly from the spouts.

Time for a restroom break.  Public toilets charge $1 euro OR you can buy something at a cafe and use their facilities.  I bought an espresso and croissant.  It ranked as one of the best espressos I've ever had. 
Another 15 minute walk to find the Pantheon, Rome's best preserved monument, construction started in 27 BC. as a temple to the Gods. It is a large dome , 142 ft is diameter and 71 feet high without external arch support.  There is a 30 ft opening, the oculus,  at the top to let light in.  The water comes in too as it rains but is taken care of by 20+ drains in the floor.  The light acts like a time clock and calendar.  There was a very long entrance line, fortunately it moved quickly.  Within 10 minutes we were inside.  Its free to enter.

Half a dozen people were outside the Pantheon sketching.

Another 15-20 minute walk, to the Vatican.  We stopped for a a gelato along the way.  The shop had the greatest flavor selection that we've encountered yet. Phil had deep dark chocolate, I had biscotti with panne on top. I learned that panne means whipped cream, the guide said that only in Rome can you get a free topping of panne.  It worked!

Vendors tried to sell us no line tickets to go inside the Vatican.  But we needed two hours, we were down to 1 hr and 15 minutes. And we were on the opposite side of the city as our meeting point. So we enjoyed the outside views.

Structure near the Vatican.  

Instead of walking toward the bus meeting point we headed to the nearest shuttle.  It was waiting empty.  We hopped in and rode to the Piazza Popolo and walked 10 minutes to the Spanish Steps. 

The Boss, Bruce Springsteen performed last night in Rome.  The shuttle driver had to pass through a crowd of people waiting outside the entrance to a hotel.  He said they were waiting for a celebrity.  They were waiting for Bruce!
The Spanish Steps: 138 steps  built in 1723-1725, links a church with an embassy.  Interestingly, there are fines of $250euro  and higher for sitting, i.e. loitering, on the steps.  And of course visitors will be fined if damage is done to the steps.

Chestnut Vendor at the Spanish Steps.
Tonight we do laundry (Phil has started laundry as I work on the blog), unpack in a new room, and have a quiet evening.  Tomorrow is a similarly long day, on our own, in Florence.


  1. That was such a cool shot of the Parthenon! Is Mr. Grumpy=Dad?


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